ZhaoQing KeDa Machine Manufacturing Ltd.
Add: Guangning Shiqi Development Zone, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province
Tel: 086-0758-8738032
Fax: 086-0758-8738688
phone: (0)13913092971 13913060113
Contact:Mr wang
Multi-barrel heating furnace hot shearing machine
add time:2018/5/23 16:46:32 Popularity:837

 main feature:
The lowest energy consumption (normal continuous production of 20m3/T, calculated by natural gas)

Furnace temperature uniformity (normal use of the furnace temperature ± 5 °C)
  Furnace surface temperature is low (room temperature +10°C~-15°C)
  Cut flat
  Easy to maintain
  Low failure rate
  easy to use

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Add:Guangning Shiqi Development Zone, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province Contact :Mr Wang Tel:086-0758-8738032
Fax:086-0758-8738688 Cell phone:(0)13913092971 13913060113
E-mail:wjkeda2006@126.com URL:www.wjkeda.com