ZhaoQing KeDa Machine Manufacturing Ltd.
Add: Guangning Shiqi Development Zone, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province
Tel: 086-0758-8738032
Fax: 086-0758-8738688
phone: (0)13913092971 13913060113
Contact:Mr wang
Four-stage translational conveyor production line
add time:2018/5/23 16:44:29 Popularity:821

main feature:
1. This equipment improves the felt belt conveyor production line and is specially designed for the production line of larger extruders.
2. Using hydraulic shift, up → shift → drop → reset.
3. Improve the belt type temperature resistant felt to reduce the friction in the aluminum profile transmission.
4. Aluminium profiles are transported to maintain the proper distance between aluminum profiles.
5. Use hydraulic pressure to push the aluminium beam of the rack. It is smooth and quiet.
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Add:Guangning Shiqi Development Zone, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province Contact :Mr Wang Tel:086-0758-8738032
Fax:086-0758-8738688 Cell phone:(0)13913092971 13913060113
E-mail:wjkeda2006@126.com URL:www.wjkeda.com